Image: Memorial placed at the entrance to Saint Johns Park estate in memory of the many residents who were forced out of their homes by the lad and their parents on Johns Park West                                                   
                Saint Johns Park   NEXT    Examples of ASB    Susan Boyle  Newspaper Reports

                                                                                               Saint Johns Park Clondalkin
                                                              Highlighting issues of antisocial behaviour in a Clondalkin Housing Estate
Our Neighbourhood

Below is a copy of an articler called ' Our Neighbourhood' that was posted on a number of websites on the internet including sports organisations and clubs. It was this letter that started a campaign by individuals in the Clondlakin area, who sought the  assistance from website providers to close down all antisocial behaviour websites operating in the Republic of Ireland. Websites such as and were provided with the names of individuals to be banned from posting comments or articles on their websites. The people concerned were given no reasons for their bans, they were simply told they were'banned'.What is very clear, is that whoever requested the banning of the named individuals must have been in a position of power and authority within the local community. This is a very dangerous situation as individuals in authority who should remain neutral on issues of public concern have now involved themselves in a social issues by taking sides, simply because the individuals concerned are members or associates of their club. This could also account for the reasons why antiocial behaviour carried on for so many years within this community and nothing was done to resolve the many problems residents experienced at the hands of a small number of individuals on this road. The ongoing problems asociated with antisocial behaviour on the road may also be due to the fact that there is a professional conflict of interest with people in authority who know or associate with those who are causing the problems of antisocial behaviour in this area. This in itself may account for the many reasons why victims of antisocial behaviour were ignored and denied assistance from some people in authority in the clondakin village area for so many years.

We ask our website visitors to read the following text and then make their own mind up as to the real motives behind those who find offence in the article. Is there anything within this article that warrants the need to deny others their freedom of speech or has Ireland become a country of  'agree with us or face the consequences' way of life.

Our neighbourhood by Paul Reynolds

There are many ways in which to improve your neighbourhood the most noticeable of them being respect ,courtesy and tolerance for those living around you. In every neighbourhood there are people who like to gossip, there are people who play golf, love their garden or just like to go in and out, say hello, goodbye and simply get on with their lives. Unfortunately, there are people living in our neighbourhoods who can do nothing better other than cause disruption, division and conflict. They may not be the type of people who we often judge as being unsocial or who care less or nothing about their home. They could be the people who appear socially active, are in all the sports clubs and do their utmost best to give an impression to others that butter would not melt in their mouths. There are many types of characters associated to people in our neighbourhoods, therefore we must avoid falling into the trap of of taking sides and widening the gap of division that spurns conflict and causes pain.

Take Johns Park West for example, where violence, racism and over twenty years of conflict that was instigated by only two families with the help of another, seen many residents leave the road after a short period of residence. A road where young children were continuously called knackers, vehicle were damaged and violated, elderly people were subjected to abuse and harassment on a nightly basis and women were subjected to the most viol suggestions by youths congregating on the road. GAA footballs and hurling balls were a nightly missile aiming challenge, as individual parents stood quietly behind their windows as their siblings organised another attack.

So what is the best way to improve our neighbourhoods?
Web sites such as allow individuals to air their views and express their concerns about issues relating to their neighbourhood.These web sites allow people to openly submit their names or provide pseudo names in order to protect their identities so they in turn do not become targets for the ASB brigades.

Keeping you eyes and ears open, while at the same time using the gift of speech to inform the Gardai about crime and other problems such as drugs in your area. Everybody taking part in the visible presentation of their neighbourhood by keeping the roads clean and the grass verges cut. Avoid leaving cars unattended at the footpaths for considerable periods of time.

Learn to say hello and goodbye, its a nice day or just Hi. Neighbours like neighbours to be there when they need them and not as a chin wagging method of shifting gossip based on I go into your house and you come into mine.. Say hello, goodbye until until the norm become communication and not avoidance. Avoid the youth images of congregating and sitting on garden walls in little groups, it causes a me and them mentality and helps enforce barriers and sides.
If there is an event about to happen in the neighbourhood make sure everybody knows about it. Quite often people go in and out of their homes completely unaware that there is a sense of community on their road, simply because someone said 'Oh I would not bother with them, they just go in and out as everybody goes along with this one track opinion. Be very wary of people who present themselves in neat attractive packaging, they can often be a source of conflict which is caused by their own personal social problems. Organise a neighbours night out, a social gathering, a night in the local pub or hotel where people can sit and socialise with one another.
Encourage the local residents association to become more involved in helping to break down barriers by adopting an inclusive representative role instead of a members only role.Avoid making comments about other residents in the presents of your children, they just repeat and mimic their parents with little or no comprehension of exactly what they are saying to others on the road.Teach children respect for other and other people's property for our children will be the parents of children in the future. Look out for your neighbours even if they initially do not look out for you,time and grey hair has a strange way of telling us that in reality we are only mortal and will in time follow those who departed our presence so we can prepare for our own. Never forget that material value is something you cannot take with you to the grave, therefore what you have around you is really on short term loan. Trying to better Mrs Murphy next door with a 08 motor instead of a 07 is just a foolish game where death triumphs and eventually beats all,leaving you equal as one another.

Neighbourhoods can be a wonderful place for all, if we are prepared to put in the effort.

Have you found the offending words or sentences? Well the answer might be found when reference is made to sport or even a road. It would appear that it is an offence to criticise or bring into question the actions of individuals if the same individuals just happen to be members of a particular club.While we recognise and are aware that not all members of a club,organisation or association are involved in antisocial activities, we must also recognise that within every organisation there are people who do not work in the interest of others or even society.The vast majority of people work, participate and contribute to the
betterment of society, but their are a small minority of people who have their own agendas and work in their own interests, despite their portrayal of community involvement.

Below: The picture below illustrates a single incident where the lads who live on the road (2010) play games of target practice at residents homes. This was not an isolated incident, this occured night -in, night-out, with up to 30 youths taking part in the fun of target practice. During the winter months the footballs were replaced by snowballs.  Despite green spaces to the left and right of the road and a park within walking distance, the lads congregate and play football with the sole purpose of intimidating residents in their homes.  Last reported serious  incident (drinking,fighting, damage to property) occured March 2009, garda pesence on road from 21.45pm until approximately 03.30 the following morning.

Any attempt to have this website removed from the internet will only result in the website being relaunched with another website provider.Individuals in the Clondakin area who attempt to silence the truth by providing website providers with untruthful information in order to close down antisocial websites are only digging a deeper hole for themselves and for those who continue to cause so many problems of antisocial behaviour in this small housing estate.
Contents of website copied for future relaunch.



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